Our Policies

Quality Policy

By adopting the understanding of total quality; It is customer oriented. It is aimed to continuously increase customer satisfaction. An effective quality management system is implemented for continuous improvement. Our job is done right the first time. Total quality is the responsibility of all our employees.

Our Environmental,
Occupational Health And Safety Policy

The most fundamental part of our main strategies; to produce our products in a healthy and safe working environment, to use natural resources wisely and to improve our performance in environmental protection is to constantly improve. Starting from this basic point, all our desire and commitment is to continuously improve the main causes of work accidents and possible negative environmental impacts, the behaviors and conditions that cause them. We, in our aspirator and hood factory, adopt the following principles in order to achieve these goals in all our production processes: Complying with all laws, regulations, expectations of our customers and other provisions accepted by our company regarding occupational health and safety and environmental protection. To eliminate or minimize the negative effects of activities on the environment and human health, in accordance with the principle of continuous improvement. In order to create an accident-free and clean working environment for everyone we work with; To identify our risks and environmental impacts and to reduce them to an acceptable level. Minimizing material, energy and water consumption by ensuring recycling and following appropriate procedures in order to reduce our waste and contribute to the protection of natural resources reduce. To use the best possible technologies for a safe and environmentally friendly production. To ensure that all employees become aware of their environmental and safety responsibilities and fulfill the requirements as part of their contracts. To cooperate with customers, legal institutions and the society within these principles, to inform all our material and service suppliers about the requirements of our policy and to help them improve themselves in these matters.

Our Sustainability Policy

“For a livable future”

We help the sustainability development of our stakeholders and society. We use natural resources effectively and increase our environmental awareness. We keep our financial performance high. We do all this within the framework of ethical rules.

Our Human Resources Policy

The manpower that will carry the company to the future is created and its permanence is ensured.

Continuous improvement opportunities are offered to maximize employee performance.
The formation of corporate culture is supported by interregional standardization and synergy studies.

Self-motivation competence of employees is developed.

Hibsan Factory

Fatih Sultan Mehmet Cad. No:6/1
Esenyurt / İstanbul – Türkiye

Hibsan Export

Batışehir K1 Ofis No:2 
34235 İstanbul – Türkiye

Hibsan Germany

Konrad Thomas Str. 51
41515 Grevenbroich / Deutschland

Copyright © 2023 – 2024 Hibsan All rights reserved.

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